Actions du GT

Expansion microscopy workshop in Bordeaux

FBI Sponsored Events

Starts: October 2, 2023 • Ends: October 2, 2023


Registration url:

Expansion microscopy (ExM) is a relatively new super-resolution method based in the isotropic dilatation of the biological sample in order to overcome the diffraction limit of conventional microscopy. Since its development in 2014, many laboratories have been implementing and adapting the technique to their needs, and the biological applications of ExM grow exponentially.

The ExM working group from the French fluorescence microscopy network (RTmfm), with the support of France-BioImaging, is organizing a workshop on ExM at Bordeaux on October 2, 2023. During the workshop, we will cover different aspects of ExM protocols with experts in biochemistry and biology, and we will present examples of biological applications.

Invited speakers:

Marine Laporte (Institut NeuroMyoGène, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon).

Sven Truckenbrodt (E11 Bio, Alameda, California, US).

Maxence Wisztorski (University of Lille, Inserm, CHU Lille, U1192).

You can register here to enjoy the ExM community during a day, and to show you work with a poster or a short talk. We have limited seats!!! To send abstracts please contact and

Deadline for applications is July 15th 2023.

Preliminary program: download here.
